15 januari 2018

1st Inclusive Impact Investment rating

Assura Plc gets a Public Equity Impact Investment Rating©: buy

Because of it's core activity & purpose, asset backed, available, affordable & attractive: finance shows 4% div. positive analysts outlook & big backers. 

Impact Investment Rating©
Is based on essential characteristics for inclusive impact investing:

3: ESG Opportunity & 5: (Local) Access to Basic Need: Care 

It's Available & Affordable: offered by Dutch price fighter broker DeGIRO & traded at the London Stock Exchange at about 68 UK pennies. Assura Plc seeks additional capital to organically grow it's core activities. 

It's Attractive: with positive analysts outlook from Liberum Capital & Peel Hunt and a recent FT anonymous poll summary (4).

Assura Plc stock gives 4% dividend yield and is part of the FTSE250 & FTSE High Yield 350. 
It is held by institutional investors: asset managers Invesco & StateStreet offering it in ETF's,charity advisor CCLA Fund, and pension funds: the Dutch Medical Specialists Fund & North East Scotland Pension Fund
Aviva, a UK insurance company & asset manager with an excellent CSR reputation, lend it long term debt (170MUKp)

Delivered by Allstreet in it's annual impact report of members of the Social Stock Exchange.
'WhoBenefits: Increased access to safe primary care facilities that provide integrated health services based on their needs for 3.7 million patients provided by 2380 Gps'. Assura plc was a founding listing company of the Social Stock Exchange, but has not published impact reports and seems de-listed since 2018. 

CSRHubscore: Total 49: Community 45, Employees 54 Environment 48, Governance 48. Sources: 8 (10).

UN Sustainable Development Goals 
#SDG3: Health & Wellbeing
#SDG11: Cities #AccesstoHealthServices &
#SDG12: Infrastructure #Healthproperty

Assura Plc develops property in the UK for General Practitioners (67%) & the National Health Service  (18%). It's mission is: 'to bring care closer to home by creating the modern fit-for-purpose buildings that doctors say they urgently need, in the right places for patients.' 
Assura Plc properties facilitate health & care services to ill & old people & children in developed markets.

Assura Plc core activity is developing property designed for Basic Need Local Health Services.


Assura Plc is an organically growing local health care property developer surveying clients & communities on needs and desires.
Sourcing locally and introducing environmental management systems such as BREEAM.
Finance check shows high yield, positive analyst outlook and institutional (major interest & voting) support

RECOMMENDATION for investors (and Assura plc):
Monitor impact awareness, ambition and performance.
The website offers information on it's marketing activities, but focuses more on output, maybe outcomes (PR&PA) not yet on impact. Note that it is a small company with 48 employees and in Nov17 announced ambition to raise 300million UK£ through shares for property development.  

The Blogger is a recent retail Assura Plc investor

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Impact Investment Rating©

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